The Taekwon do Association of England has been awarded the safeguarding code for martial arts again

About the Safeguarding Code

The Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts has been created to assist parents and carers when searching for martial arts clubs suitable for children or adults in their care.

Funded by the National Lottery, this scheme was launched by the Sports Minister in early 2018 and is delivered through a group of partners and experts in safeguarding including the Child Protection in Sport Unit (NSPCC) and Sport England.

The scheme supports martial arts clubs and providers to implement and maintain high quality safeguarding practices and where these have been demonstrated, the club/provider is able to display our Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts logo. This will never be a substitute for you as a parent or carer making your own assessment of the club/provider but you will know that they have successfully demonstrated to us that they have a good working knowledge of quality safeguarding practices and will be able to show you that they have the following in place: ·

– Disclosure and Barring Service Check for all coaches, staff and volunteers (this indicates if a person has a conviction to their name)

· Safeguarding awareness training for all coaches, staff and volunteers

· *All coaches will have hold a minimum coaching standard or coaching qualification

· **A Safeguarding Policy

· ***A Safe Practice Policy

· Insurance documentation

· A reporting system for reporting participants’ safety and welfare

· A complaints process for parents and all participants

· Code of Conduct for children/young people, coaches/volunteers and parents

*Technical coaching standards are not assessed by the Safeguarding Code. The Safeguarding Code exists to review safeguarding processes and procedures. It’s up to you to make sure you feel comfortable with the standard/style of teaching of the martial art separately. More information is available from National Governing Bodies in each discipline. We can only validate coaches’ qualifications where they hold a qualification issued by a national governing body that is recognised by Sport England.

** This should be available to all staff, volunteers, parents and participants.

*** It’s up to you to spend time in your club and understand the Safe Practice Policy…. make sure you feel comfortable with the information and practices. All clubs and providers have their own standards to work to and the Safeguarding Code is not responsible for monitoring this.

If you’re a parent or carer of a participant who attends a martial arts organisation without the Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts “mark”, please encourage them to work towards meeting the required standards of the Safeguarding Code.

Your club may be affiliated to a National Governing Body that is recognised by Sport England, and therefore be required to deliver against certain safeguarding standards. For more information go to the Sport England website, click here.

Find a Club 

Our map in the “Find a Club” section is the most accurate method of ensuring your club’s attainment of the Safeguarding Code is current. Each club has a certificate with an expiry date and they must go through an annual “check” to keep this current. Your club should be happy to show you this.

5 questions to ask your child’s sports club

The Child Protection in Sport Unit recommend you ask 5 key questions of your sports club.

1. Have the staff been checked out?

2. Does the club have a safeguarding policy?

3. What happens if there’s an accident?

4. Who can you talk to?

5. What training is there? 

More information? Listen to our podcast for parents here

You can download this document which has more information about the Safeguarding Code and hand it to your coach or instructor.

When successful, an organisation will be able to display the following mark and appear on our map. Only clubs and providers that are currently certified with the Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts appear on our map. Please check this as it is updated daily.


Neither Sport England nor any other contributor to the Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts shall be responsible for the actions or omissions of any martial arts provider recognised under this scheme. Annual checks are carried out on each provider, but we cannot guarantee that standards are maintained at all times. The Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts is a resource to assist parents and carers in assessing martial arts providers but it is your responsibility to assess the safeguarding information supplied to you by the individual providers and decide whether the provision is suitable for your child or adult in your care.

ITF England National squad training session in Newcastle

The ITF England national team is holding a training session in Newcastle on Sunday October 16th.

As well as training the national team, the coaching staff also hold a development session for blue belts and above over the age of 10.  This is to help identify future international talent and also gives an opportunity to see the international team workout and understand what it takes to get to the highest level of competition.

The session runs from 10.00 -1.00 and will be held at the Newcastle United Foundation’s new headquarters

Newcastle United Foundation
Diana Street

The cost is £25, which must be paid in advance directly to the ITF England bank account

Account – 40200960

Sort – 309191

Reference – Squad ‘surname’


open to red belts and above
Sunday 5th December 10 – 12 .00 at Sport Central , Northumbria university, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST
From 12.00 to 1.00 any third degrees and above can stay so we can concentrate on your patterns.
The cost is £15 – can you book on this link. Spaces are limited so we can distance properly. Masks are optional in the session but you do need to wear one as you move through the building.